id . generic 6 specific 201 VMWARE-VC-EVENT-MIB defined trap event: vpxdAlarm This notification is sent on entity alarm state change, by the vCenter Server SNMP agent. This information is also available through the vSphere client, through the Alarms screen, or through the Managed Object Browser(MOB) interface for alarms at https:///mob/?moid=AlarmManager. Listing individual objects of a specific type or ID can be done through the PropertyCollector SDK API. See for details.

vmwVpxdTrapType %parm[#1]%;

vmwVpxdHostName %parm[#2]%;

vmwVpxdVMName %parm[#3]%;

vmwVpxdOldStatus %parm[#4]%;

vmwVpxdNewStatus %parm[#5]%;

vmwVpxdObjValue %parm[#6]%;

vpxdAlarm trap received vmwVpxdTrapType=%parm[#1]% vmwVpxdHostName=%parm[#2]% vmwVpxdVMName=%parm[#3]% vmwVpxdOldStatus=%parm[#4]% vmwVpxdNewStatus=%parm[#5]% vmwVpxdObjValue=%parm[#6]%

id . generic 6 specific 202 VMWARE-VC-EVENT-MIB defined trap event: vpxdDiagnostic This notification is sent on starting or restarting vCenter Server, on requesting a test notification explicitly, and can also be configured to be sent periodically at a specified time interval via vCenter Server configuration by the vCenter Server SNMP agent.

vpxdDiagnostic trap received

id . generic 6 specific 203 VMWARE-VC-EVENT-MIB defined trap event: vpxdAlarmInfo This notification is sent on entity alarm state change, by the vCenter Server SNMP agent. This information is also available through the vSphere client, through the Alarms screen, or through the Managed Object Browser(MOB) interface for alarms at https:///mob/?moid=AlarmManager. Listing individual objects of a specific type or ID can be done through the PropertyCollector SDK API. See for details.

vmwVpxdTargetObjType %parm[#1]%;

unknown(1) host(2) vm(3) other(4)

vmwVpxdOldStatus %parm[#2]%;

vmwVpxdNewStatus %parm[#3]%;

vmwVpxdObjValue %parm[#4]%;

vmwVpxdTargetObj %parm[#5]%;

vpxdAlarmInfo trap received vmwVpxdTargetObjType=%parm[#1]% vmwVpxdOldStatus=%parm[#2]% vmwVpxdNewStatus=%parm[#3]% vmwVpxdObjValue=%parm[#4]% vmwVpxdTargetObj=%parm[#5]%
