Bug between Web UI and SCVCLI Command


When using the scvcli script in /opt/opennms/bin/ to store and create objects in the Secure Credentials Vault, it appears that it doesn’t sync with what is shown in the SCV page in the Web UI.

We tried to set up a new username and password for a set of credentials by using scvcli. We see that those are created and saved:

When checking the web UI, I don’t see those stored values:

I don’t see them in the Karaf shell either:

However, if I setup a new alias in the web UI, it deletes what I had set with scvcli. I’ll show that here:

Creating the new_scv_test alias:

Shows up in Karaf:

When using the scvcli bin:

In the above you can see that there is a de-sync between the scvcli bin and the SCV config from the web UI/Karaf shell. The scvcli doesn’t mention an “apply” or “save”, so I’m not sure why those credentials aren’t getting saved.

We do ask users to create PostgreSQL credentials with the scvcli bin in the installation instructions:

I’d like to ensure that using scvcli is doing what it needs to be doing in order to create new aliases.


Meridian 2024.1.5

Acceptance / Success Criteria






Sergio Garcia December 9, 2024 at 6:03 PM

Oh, shoot. Should have checked the PR. I’ll do that now. Thank you!

Chandra Gorantla December 9, 2024 at 6:02 PM

This is still being worked on and I have suggested a solution in the PR, we should be able to fix it properly

Sergio Garcia December 9, 2024 at 5:33 PM

Hey y’all,

Just checking in on this. Is the issue with the scvcli command that the application has to be restarted in order for the user information to be stored correctly?

If that’s the case then it’ll be a bit tough and we should probably stop recommending our users to use this command since not everyone will be able to restart the application as needed. Some user will need to open maintenance windows, and that shouldn’t be the case for simple SCV information.


Sergio Garcia

Junaid Khan November 27, 2024 at 3:12 PM

Hi , I have tested the above scenario. In my observation, if we restart the server, it will sync up the newly added credentials added by

I have also checkout the code; it is using the same file to store key-value pairs. As we mostly used it for PostgreSQL there is no such way to sync-up this. What's your opinion?

Screenshot is attached.






HB Grooming Date

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Created November 4, 2024 at 6:41 PM
Updated February 11, 2025 at 5:00 PM
Resolved January 23, 2025 at 2:32 PM